Melons are believed to be native to Asia, although some believe they originated in tropical Africa. However the melon has been cultivated along the Nile Valley since Ancient times.
There are a wide variety of melons available. The watermelon, rockmelon and honeydew melons are the most common, but other varieties include the cantaloupe or muskmelon, casaba, the Persian melon, the Spanish melon and the Crenshaw.
Watermelons are cultivated in the semi-dry deserts of Africa as an important source of water during the dry periods. Little is known about the origin of honeydew, but it is thought to be a French variety originally called ‘White Antibes”, which was grown in the United States as honeydew.
Watermelon (seedless), Galea, Honeydew (White), Honeydew (Yellow), Rockmelon and Watermelon (seeded)
QLD - Bowen, Burdekin, Chinchilla, Forest Hill, Gatton, Gayndah, Goondiwindi, Ingham, Laidley, Mundubbera, Roma, St George.
VIC - Mid Murray, Sunraysia
SA - Riverland
NT - Darwin, Katherine
Watermelons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a good source of folic acid and contain some potassium and dietary fibre. Rockmelons are an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Honeydew is a good source of vitamin C and potassium.
7-10°C and 90 - 98% relative humidity.
Ripen at room temperature and store in the refrigerator. When cut, covers with plastic wrap.