There are two basic types of nectarine: white flesh and yellow flesh. There are also varieties of both white and yellow fleshed nectarines that are called sub-acid. These have a low acid content in the flesh and are therefore sweeter. There are dozens of varieties of both white and yellow-fleshed nectarines, and each variety is harvested over about a three-week period. Both white flesh and yellow flesh nectarines are generally available from late November to March. Select fruit free from blemishes, bruises and green colouring. Green fruit is likely to be immature and will not ripen properly. Nectarines should be yellow/cream in ground colour. The blush is not a good indication of maturity.
Sliced in salads used in cheese and fruit platters, compote, or eaten fresh, nectarines are a refreshing alternative.
Nectarines can be cultivated in the same way as the peach, bearing in mind that they are not quite so hardy and need more water at the roots while the fruit is developing.
Most nectarine varieties have a chilling requirement of between 800-1200 hours and are therefore, not suitable for planting in the coastal belt north of Sydney, where varieties with a low chilling requirement should be grown. If the full chilling requirement is not met, then many flower buds will drop before budburst while others will form incomplete, non-fertile flowers, reducing considerably the size of the crop.
The best nectarines are produced, like peaches, where the summers are warm and dry, as wet weather near harvest promotes brown rot.
A free draining soil is preferred as nothing kills the trees faster than a period of water logging.
Nectarine is a variety of the same species as the peach. Originating in China, the name is believed to have been derived from ‘nectar’, the drink of the Gods, because of the delicious and unusual flavour of the fruit.
White flesh
- Yellow to red skin with white flesh often flecked with red
- There are over 20 varieties commonly grown
- Sub-acid white nectarines are low in fruit acids and taste sweeter
- Available from late November to mid-March
- Arctic Star and Bright Pearl are typical varieties
Yellow flesh
- Yellow to red skin with yellow flesh often flecked with red
- There are over 20 varieties commonly grown
- Yellow nectarines are more common than white-fleshed
- There are many sub-acid varieties, meaning they have a low acid content and taste sweet
- Available from late November to mid-March
- Grand Sweet, Red Gold and Fairlane are typical varieties
QLD - Granite Belt, Sunshine Coast Hinterland (low chill)
NSW - Central Tablelands, Hunter Valley, Metropolitan Area, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, Sydney
VIC - Goulburn Valley, Melbourne
TAS - Huon, North East
SA - Adelaide Hills, Riverland
WA - Donnybrook, Perth Hills
Consumer Storage: Ripen at room temperature and store in the refrigerator crisper for a short time.
Nectarines are a good source of vitamin A and C; they provide some vitamin B3, potassium and dietary fibre. 195kJ/100g.